August 4, 2010
Met with some people about the Congo, hung out with my boys, met the basket weaving women, bought all the stuff for the party I want to through the boys, played UNO, had a coke and went to bed.
August 5, 2010
Class with the Banonv's, got stuff for the bday party together. Got invited to go to an engagement party for Thristine and Helder; what an honor. I was sitting there with the long term missionaries, Heidi, David Hogan and Helder's local family. WOW! ... Got to pray over them, chat and celebrate with them. Then danced with some of the older girls to some worship music and went to a night class with David Hogan and sons.
August 6, 2010
Graduation day!! Went up to class for a time of prophecy, prayer, etc. Then came award time... so fun! The staff handed out awards to some of the students, I got an award for, "Name Called Most Often." So funny! :) As I walked up, the whole class, started yelling, "Elena, Elena," just like the kids do. It was super sweet, and funny.
Went down for a celebration lunch of chicken and cokes with the bible students that were to graduate as well. It was awesome. Headed to the church for games, pictures, worship, dancing and a word from David Hogan. My boys came in and danced and then sat and sang with me. Some of the children presented a dance for us, Fatima gave me some bracelets, and gave me a huge hug.
Heidi then gave a word, and read our names aloud. Went up to receive prayer from Heidi, and other missionaries, and all of a sudden I felt all these little hands on me; my boys had come up to pray over me. I just lost it.
August 7, 2010
Tetra and I went up to the kitchen to hand out some gifts; we got spaghetti and sardines to hand out to all of the people who worked in the kitchen. Then Claudia found us and we headed up to see Filipe's family. They had chicken and rice for us, so we went and got some stuff for a salad and drinks. Filipe started to tell us some stories of healings he has seen, and a time when his wife and him were young and miracles that have happened in their life. Awesome, beautiful, crazy stuff! Yay God!
His whole family knew that we were going to be leaving in a week, so there were definitely some tears, but after dinner, we had some surprises for them. We had brought over some gifts! :) I gave Filipe this large tin of coffee, his face was AWESOME! I then gave his wife and girls some of my skirts, and such; they were so so excited! Tetra gave the girls some hair things and Tome a jump rope. It was so fun to see their grateful faces.
Then Amina ran back into their room and grabbed two kapulanas for Tetra and two for me. One for our head and one for our waist. Filipe headed back to his room and grabbed one of his t-shirts (the man probably only owns 2 or 3) and handed it to our friend Jon who had come too. We all were dancing and singing, it was such a celebration.
August 8, 2010
Woke up at 4 AM to take a shower and hang with Tetra before she left for Tete; we walked and chatted and laughed and cried. Many of the boys were there too, to say goodbye to them. Achimo was down there with some of the boys, so we played some. At one point, he grabbed my hands and opened them, reached in his pocket and brought out this cloth. It was a pillowcase, with his name on it, that he had sewed together himself. He put it in my hands; I lost it!
Went into church, all my kids, laid hands on me, prayed for me, and cried all over me. I lost it, again.
Then Georgian Banov went up to give a word, and called a bunch of the boys up to act out in a drama. Juma and Achimo were up there, and kept looking at me and smiling. I kept giving them a thumbs up... and they would smile so wide, then look back at Georgian. It was precious, they then came and sat with me again, asking, "was that good, was that good?"
After church I had been invited over to a Pastor's house for lunch, so I gathered up a couple girls and headed out. His family started to prepare chicken and rice for us, and I headed with Pastor Bulancha to get drinks. We got to his friends house, and the man immediately stands up, offers me his seat and offers me food. HA! So sweet, so I get to eat a little appetizer of matapa and sheema. Delish! :)
Headed back to his house, as we chatted about life at home. They taught us some words in Makua, and I taught them some Hawaiian. We prayed for his family, sang songs with them. Then headed back to hang out with my boys.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Walking in the opposite spirit; July 28-August 3, 2010
July 28, 2010
Foot-washing ceremony with the Mozambican bible students. ...Speechless.
Seems like to serve someone else has become easier; it was so natural to sit at the feet of some of the most amazing men in the world, and gently bring water up over their feet, as your hands run against a maze of scars; a man who has trusted the Lord with not only his life, but the lives of his family members, to come learn more about this hope they have found in Christ. However, I cannot begin to describe how it feels to have this same man, get on his knees, cup ever so gently my foot in one hand, and with the other, bring up the same water to wash the dirt off of mine. Someone who has risked his life to see good news advance, someone who has almost no earthly posessions, kneeling down, praying over me. WOW...
July 29, 2010
Wrecked again by Mama Aida as she talked about what it looks like to be pure in heart, and persecuted for righteousness... wrecked.
Left with a small team for a bush outreach; this time... about 30k's outside of town we picked up a family heading to their village, then headed off-road. No roads, no nothing...just bush. Almost got stuck going over an empty riverbed, then really got stuck in the mud, in the middle of NOWHERE!
As the men gathered, any sticks they could to put under the tires to get us out of the mud, I sat with a young boy and began to teach him John 3:16 in Makua. How fun... we played hand games and sang and danced. After being stuck for at least 4 hours, another IRIS truck came and got us out of the mud. And because it was already dark, we headed to another village back on the road. Oh but the surprises were just around the corner...
When we got to this other village, we set up camp in front of this pastor's house...and searched for the latrine. If you were not careful you could almost trip on the hole in the ground; as there were no walls aroundit... just a hole... no fence around the pastor's property... nothing. So... grabbed a couple of the girls... some kapulanas....and went for it...
Then sat and played cards with the boys of the house... the eldest is learning portuguese, so we practiced best we could!
July 30, 2010
Woke to the sound of scraping burnt rice off of a pan at 4:30am. WOW! ...Then by the time I actually made it out of the tent to face the latrine situation, the pastors had built a makeshift wall around it! If you ever wondered what love looks like in the bush... that's it!!
Went into the church for worship celebration, then split into three groups to walk throughout the village and pray for people. Again, how did I end up to be the translator!! So funny, but I made a pretty good pair with the local bible teacher.
Out in the village, we saw many things I had never seen before: an elderly lady with worms that were eating away at her foot, a small house that was used to sacrifice animals, and an occasional child... we ended up praying for people, prophesying over people, talking to people about Jesus, etc.
Came back to camp for lunch and were met by a sea of hungry people. Their hopes were met, when we split them in to groups of three and handed them a plate of rice and beans to share. I don't think I have seen a group of people, here in Mozambique so hungry.
The adults then went inside the church, and we took the children out to play some games... on with the fun! :) We ended up playing the largest game of "duck, duck, goose" I have ever seen! The children kept picking white people to chase them, and when they did, the entire audience would errupt in laughter!! They thought it was the funniest thing to see a white person running!!!
That night we did some ministry; showing the Jesus film first, then the local pastor wanted us to share our name and where we were from. I stepped in front and introduced myself in Makua... and all the villagers laughed and waved at me; so precious. We then prayed for people, loved on em, danced and sang with them, and went to BED!
July 31, 2010
Sat in the dirt with my new, beautiful, little friends; played an immense amount of hand games, and sang lots of songs. As I stood up to go back up the camion, a little girl runs up, yelling, "Elena, Elena" (My middle name in Portuguese). I turn and she opens my hand and places in it a hand full of millet. Tastes terrible... but sweetness to my soul!
As the camion pulls out from the village... a large group of children begin yelling, "Elena, Elena" ...As I turn around and poke my head out of the windom... they all start cheering and waving. I almost lose it... How you love people, matters.
We get back to IRIS; I do laundry, shower, rest, and wait for Tetra. Then we grab our boys (Juma and Awali) and head to the beach. We skipped rocks, swam... then they wanted to make videos. It was time to go, so we bought some donuts and headed back. I told the boys I would see them at dinner and then watch the movie with them.
As I walk into the biblioteca to watch the movie... the boys find me! :) They have saved me a seat in between about 6 of my boys. As we watch, Lion King II and then Pride and Prejudice, they sit around me and ask me to explain what is happening. HAHA! Now I am translating an english movie into Portuguese. Wow! Never thought... I give them all kisses goodnight, and head to bed.
August 2, 2010
David Hogan is here...enough said.
August 3, 2010
Q and A with David Hogan, then with Heidi and Rolland; I prayed a blessing over Heidi and Rolland, we all started weeping. So humbling...
Then made my way with Tetra to go visit Filamina (another mama who works in the kitchen, but lives in the village). Sat on her beautiful lanai, as her son fell asleep in my lap. We chatted, and played games with her daughter. It was such a beautiful, sweet time. ...It came time to head back to IRIS, a long walk through the village...
On the way back, about 15 children from the village started coming up, grabbing our butts, pulling our hair, just being really ridiculous and annoying. So Filamina grabbed a stick and started threatening to whack them. She then hands me a really big stick and encourages me to do the same. AH! ...I froze...All I could think; "walk in the opposite spirit." ...So I took that big stick, stuck it out above my head, and started singing makua worship songs, and marching and dancing down the street. All these kids started to laugh, then sing and dance with us. We began passing by all of this barracas, and places where people from the village are drinking/drunk and such. It was awesome; a free worship and evangelist outreach, done by people under 4 feet!
...Returned home for dinner, then headed to the talent show: and as soon as I arrived, my boys found me! :)
Achimo sat and began to tell me about how is going to do a dance for the talent show, and when his time arrived... he kept looking at me as he danced. It was so sweet... He knew I cared... So awesome to be the one there, he knew was so proud of him.
Foot-washing ceremony with the Mozambican bible students. ...Speechless.
Seems like to serve someone else has become easier; it was so natural to sit at the feet of some of the most amazing men in the world, and gently bring water up over their feet, as your hands run against a maze of scars; a man who has trusted the Lord with not only his life, but the lives of his family members, to come learn more about this hope they have found in Christ. However, I cannot begin to describe how it feels to have this same man, get on his knees, cup ever so gently my foot in one hand, and with the other, bring up the same water to wash the dirt off of mine. Someone who has risked his life to see good news advance, someone who has almost no earthly posessions, kneeling down, praying over me. WOW...
July 29, 2010
Wrecked again by Mama Aida as she talked about what it looks like to be pure in heart, and persecuted for righteousness... wrecked.
Left with a small team for a bush outreach; this time... about 30k's outside of town we picked up a family heading to their village, then headed off-road. No roads, no nothing...just bush. Almost got stuck going over an empty riverbed, then really got stuck in the mud, in the middle of NOWHERE!
As the men gathered, any sticks they could to put under the tires to get us out of the mud, I sat with a young boy and began to teach him John 3:16 in Makua. How fun... we played hand games and sang and danced. After being stuck for at least 4 hours, another IRIS truck came and got us out of the mud. And because it was already dark, we headed to another village back on the road. Oh but the surprises were just around the corner...
When we got to this other village, we set up camp in front of this pastor's house...and searched for the latrine. If you were not careful you could almost trip on the hole in the ground; as there were no walls aroundit... just a hole... no fence around the pastor's property... nothing. So... grabbed a couple of the girls... some kapulanas....and went for it...
Then sat and played cards with the boys of the house... the eldest is learning portuguese, so we practiced best we could!
July 30, 2010
Woke to the sound of scraping burnt rice off of a pan at 4:30am. WOW! ...Then by the time I actually made it out of the tent to face the latrine situation, the pastors had built a makeshift wall around it! If you ever wondered what love looks like in the bush... that's it!!
Went into the church for worship celebration, then split into three groups to walk throughout the village and pray for people. Again, how did I end up to be the translator!! So funny, but I made a pretty good pair with the local bible teacher.
Out in the village, we saw many things I had never seen before: an elderly lady with worms that were eating away at her foot, a small house that was used to sacrifice animals, and an occasional child... we ended up praying for people, prophesying over people, talking to people about Jesus, etc.
Came back to camp for lunch and were met by a sea of hungry people. Their hopes were met, when we split them in to groups of three and handed them a plate of rice and beans to share. I don't think I have seen a group of people, here in Mozambique so hungry.
The adults then went inside the church, and we took the children out to play some games... on with the fun! :) We ended up playing the largest game of "duck, duck, goose" I have ever seen! The children kept picking white people to chase them, and when they did, the entire audience would errupt in laughter!! They thought it was the funniest thing to see a white person running!!!
That night we did some ministry; showing the Jesus film first, then the local pastor wanted us to share our name and where we were from. I stepped in front and introduced myself in Makua... and all the villagers laughed and waved at me; so precious. We then prayed for people, loved on em, danced and sang with them, and went to BED!
July 31, 2010
Sat in the dirt with my new, beautiful, little friends; played an immense amount of hand games, and sang lots of songs. As I stood up to go back up the camion, a little girl runs up, yelling, "Elena, Elena" (My middle name in Portuguese). I turn and she opens my hand and places in it a hand full of millet. Tastes terrible... but sweetness to my soul!
As the camion pulls out from the village... a large group of children begin yelling, "Elena, Elena" ...As I turn around and poke my head out of the windom... they all start cheering and waving. I almost lose it... How you love people, matters.
We get back to IRIS; I do laundry, shower, rest, and wait for Tetra. Then we grab our boys (Juma and Awali) and head to the beach. We skipped rocks, swam... then they wanted to make videos. It was time to go, so we bought some donuts and headed back. I told the boys I would see them at dinner and then watch the movie with them.
As I walk into the biblioteca to watch the movie... the boys find me! :) They have saved me a seat in between about 6 of my boys. As we watch, Lion King II and then Pride and Prejudice, they sit around me and ask me to explain what is happening. HAHA! Now I am translating an english movie into Portuguese. Wow! Never thought... I give them all kisses goodnight, and head to bed.
August 2, 2010
David Hogan is here...enough said.
August 3, 2010
Q and A with David Hogan, then with Heidi and Rolland; I prayed a blessing over Heidi and Rolland, we all started weeping. So humbling...
Then made my way with Tetra to go visit Filamina (another mama who works in the kitchen, but lives in the village). Sat on her beautiful lanai, as her son fell asleep in my lap. We chatted, and played games with her daughter. It was such a beautiful, sweet time. ...It came time to head back to IRIS, a long walk through the village...
On the way back, about 15 children from the village started coming up, grabbing our butts, pulling our hair, just being really ridiculous and annoying. So Filamina grabbed a stick and started threatening to whack them. She then hands me a really big stick and encourages me to do the same. AH! ...I froze...All I could think; "walk in the opposite spirit." ...So I took that big stick, stuck it out above my head, and started singing makua worship songs, and marching and dancing down the street. All these kids started to laugh, then sing and dance with us. We began passing by all of this barracas, and places where people from the village are drinking/drunk and such. It was awesome; a free worship and evangelist outreach, done by people under 4 feet!
...Returned home for dinner, then headed to the talent show: and as soon as I arrived, my boys found me! :)
Achimo sat and began to tell me about how is going to do a dance for the talent show, and when his time arrived... he kept looking at me as he danced. It was so sweet... He knew I cared... So awesome to be the one there, he knew was so proud of him.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
50 cent and the discoteca incident...according to Chavier; July 19-25, 2010
July 19, 2010
Honored to massage the feet of one of my favorite mamas then prepared for a cross-cultural, village style sex talk.
July 20, 2010
Oh Heidi!! She just wrecked me again, teaching about the meek. ... After my crying mess, ate lots of chocolate and celebrated Wade's bday! :)
July 21, 2010
Lauren, Bridgette, Chantal, Ana and I headed out to Mieze (a farming village about 30 minutes from Pemba). Sat with about 15 teenage girls as we shared a bit of our testimonies, and talked about sex in the kingdom of God. Gave them a million hugs and kisses; did some art projects and headed home.
As the rain poured down, I sat on the veranda with my boys as they would take a sip of my coffee and pass it to the next. I spread my flannel over all of us and we huddled up to stay warm. No matter the weather... some times you do what you have to, to be near friends. I am so blessed to be called a friend.
July 22, 2010
Heidi wrecked me again... I don't know if I can handle it anymore!!! :)
Played an amazing game with Chavier; we set up a couple mats/chairs/ and imagined we were traveling the world. He built an imaginary house where we could stay, with Tetra and messiage too. ...It almost wrecked me how sweet it was. Lord, there is nothing more I want to do, them to bring these children home. Help me understand how to.
July 23, 2010
Outreach into the village, met up at the prayer chapel. There were these two young teenage girls there, I asked if we could pray for them. I asked her if I could pray in some portuguese, then english. She said that was fine. As I was praying in English, I could feel God just begin to hover over this girl. I began to prophesy over her in english. She began weeping, and weeping. God was doing something amazing in her. As I finished my prayer for her, a smile came over her face. We started talking in portuguese about what it means to be a princess, with God as a loving king father. Her and her friend, were so blessed, they held hands and were smiling ear to ear, beaming with this new understanding of the God that just loved on her, makes her a princess.
July 24, 2010
Tetra, gathered me and some friends, and headed out to help build our friend, Marilia's house. Ran into little Zito on the way. We would smash rocks with a huge hammer thing, then put them between rows of dried bamboo. We sang songs in Makua, and little Zito kept pulling out my rocks and showing me which ones to put where. Never thought a 6 year old would show me how to build a house... loved it!
About lunch time we headed back to IRIS and gathered some others to head over to Folgas' house as his mother taught us how to make "macanaco," a mozambican bicuit (cookie). So we sat, ate coconut rice and curried beans (my favorite) and made dessert. AWESOME! :)
July 25, 2010
Morning coffee with roomies, then sat with Chavier eating macanaco. Sat there with my boys as they saw the scar on my elbow. Chavier points to it, looks up at me and says, "50 cent... cuando voce sali uma discoteca..." I lost it in laughter!!! He begins to make up this incredible story of how 50 cent knifed me when I was leaving a club. Oh my goodness! It was so funny!!! We started rolling!!! Then as we went to church, he started to tell of the boys how I got the scar on my elbow. We would look at each other, shrug and say in unison, "50 cent!"
After church, headed to Filipe's house, where we danced and danced and danced!! Then bought some stuff for dinner and went to Rosa and Chantals house (two of Heidi's adopted daughters), chatted and ate like long lost friends.
Honored to massage the feet of one of my favorite mamas then prepared for a cross-cultural, village style sex talk.
July 20, 2010
Oh Heidi!! She just wrecked me again, teaching about the meek. ... After my crying mess, ate lots of chocolate and celebrated Wade's bday! :)
July 21, 2010
Lauren, Bridgette, Chantal, Ana and I headed out to Mieze (a farming village about 30 minutes from Pemba). Sat with about 15 teenage girls as we shared a bit of our testimonies, and talked about sex in the kingdom of God. Gave them a million hugs and kisses; did some art projects and headed home.
As the rain poured down, I sat on the veranda with my boys as they would take a sip of my coffee and pass it to the next. I spread my flannel over all of us and we huddled up to stay warm. No matter the weather... some times you do what you have to, to be near friends. I am so blessed to be called a friend.
July 22, 2010
Heidi wrecked me again... I don't know if I can handle it anymore!!! :)
Played an amazing game with Chavier; we set up a couple mats/chairs/ and imagined we were traveling the world. He built an imaginary house where we could stay, with Tetra and messiage too. ...It almost wrecked me how sweet it was. Lord, there is nothing more I want to do, them to bring these children home. Help me understand how to.
July 23, 2010
Outreach into the village, met up at the prayer chapel. There were these two young teenage girls there, I asked if we could pray for them. I asked her if I could pray in some portuguese, then english. She said that was fine. As I was praying in English, I could feel God just begin to hover over this girl. I began to prophesy over her in english. She began weeping, and weeping. God was doing something amazing in her. As I finished my prayer for her, a smile came over her face. We started talking in portuguese about what it means to be a princess, with God as a loving king father. Her and her friend, were so blessed, they held hands and were smiling ear to ear, beaming with this new understanding of the God that just loved on her, makes her a princess.
July 24, 2010
Tetra, gathered me and some friends, and headed out to help build our friend, Marilia's house. Ran into little Zito on the way. We would smash rocks with a huge hammer thing, then put them between rows of dried bamboo. We sang songs in Makua, and little Zito kept pulling out my rocks and showing me which ones to put where. Never thought a 6 year old would show me how to build a house... loved it!
About lunch time we headed back to IRIS and gathered some others to head over to Folgas' house as his mother taught us how to make "macanaco," a mozambican bicuit (cookie). So we sat, ate coconut rice and curried beans (my favorite) and made dessert. AWESOME! :)
July 25, 2010
Morning coffee with roomies, then sat with Chavier eating macanaco. Sat there with my boys as they saw the scar on my elbow. Chavier points to it, looks up at me and says, "50 cent... cuando voce sali uma discoteca..." I lost it in laughter!!! He begins to make up this incredible story of how 50 cent knifed me when I was leaving a club. Oh my goodness! It was so funny!!! We started rolling!!! Then as we went to church, he started to tell of the boys how I got the scar on my elbow. We would look at each other, shrug and say in unison, "50 cent!"
After church, headed to Filipe's house, where we danced and danced and danced!! Then bought some stuff for dinner and went to Rosa and Chantals house (two of Heidi's adopted daughters), chatted and ate like long lost friends.
White people don't fart; July 11-18, 2010
July 11, 2010
Laundry, church with my boys, prayed over good friends as Heidi ordained them as IRIS ministers, then made my way through the chaos to head to Filipe's house. As we nibbled on Mozambican donuts and sipped cokes, his family prepared sheema and beans. Then Filipe prepared a wonderful coffee for me as we sat around and chatted about America. His wife kept inviting me to come back and visit, even after I return to America. Came back to IRIS; played hours of cards with my boys, then walked to the Nautilis (a restaurant down the street) to watch the final match of the world cup.
July 12, 2010
Sat with some of my boys, as we learned some worship songs in Chinese! HA!
July 14, 2010
Goodness, how I just love the sound of Jesus in the morning!
...After class went into town and acted as the translator between missions students and the shop owners. On the chapa back to IRIS, I was chatting with a Makua mama in the back of the truck. Then as more people piled in at several stops on the way; I stood up and held on to the cab of the truck. As the last of the men piled in, the truck sped off, wind flew back and my skirt flew dangerously skyward... the mama I had been chatting with dove forward, grabbing my skirt and crashing into my legs. How precious she was!! Kushukuru, Kushukuru, is all I could say between laughing for sake of embarrasment. Thank you, thank you, mama. HA! Wow... I was feeling the love!
July 15, 2010
Heidi taught about the beatitudes (blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted)... I ended up a teary, snotty mess with Heidi, Sarah and my beloved sister. Staring in the face of young girls being raped, boys being left as orphans, widows being refused justice: Lord Jesus, I will never again apologize for seeking your presence and power.
July 16, 2010
Interviewed for long term, had about three cokes, then went to prison. Danced, worshiped, prayed; lots of men healed, few accepted Jesus.
Then had a big worship party back at IRIS, for all of His faithfulness and provision.
Watched "CARS" with my boys, then went with a fried to teach some of the youth how to salsa. HAHAHA! It was awesome!!!
July 17, 2010
Thank you Jesus for the beach!! ...Headed for a lovely afternoon with the girls at Noviane. We sat on the beach making designs in the sand, as one of the girls farted. We all laughed so hard. I then proceeded to convince them that white people don't fart. HAHAHA! Oh my goodness, I don't think I laughed so hard!!! (yes, I eventually told them the truth, hahaha!)
July 18, 2010
A disabled man in the church shared a dream that he had the previous night; he was running with Jesus. A bunch of us went up and prayed for him, as he started to walk around. It was unreal to see it happen right before my eyes!!!
Laundry, church with my boys, prayed over good friends as Heidi ordained them as IRIS ministers, then made my way through the chaos to head to Filipe's house. As we nibbled on Mozambican donuts and sipped cokes, his family prepared sheema and beans. Then Filipe prepared a wonderful coffee for me as we sat around and chatted about America. His wife kept inviting me to come back and visit, even after I return to America. Came back to IRIS; played hours of cards with my boys, then walked to the Nautilis (a restaurant down the street) to watch the final match of the world cup.
July 12, 2010
Sat with some of my boys, as we learned some worship songs in Chinese! HA!
July 14, 2010
Goodness, how I just love the sound of Jesus in the morning!
...After class went into town and acted as the translator between missions students and the shop owners. On the chapa back to IRIS, I was chatting with a Makua mama in the back of the truck. Then as more people piled in at several stops on the way; I stood up and held on to the cab of the truck. As the last of the men piled in, the truck sped off, wind flew back and my skirt flew dangerously skyward... the mama I had been chatting with dove forward, grabbing my skirt and crashing into my legs. How precious she was!! Kushukuru, Kushukuru, is all I could say between laughing for sake of embarrasment. Thank you, thank you, mama. HA! Wow... I was feeling the love!
July 15, 2010
Heidi taught about the beatitudes (blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted)... I ended up a teary, snotty mess with Heidi, Sarah and my beloved sister. Staring in the face of young girls being raped, boys being left as orphans, widows being refused justice: Lord Jesus, I will never again apologize for seeking your presence and power.
July 16, 2010
Interviewed for long term, had about three cokes, then went to prison. Danced, worshiped, prayed; lots of men healed, few accepted Jesus.
Then had a big worship party back at IRIS, for all of His faithfulness and provision.
Watched "CARS" with my boys, then went with a fried to teach some of the youth how to salsa. HAHAHA! It was awesome!!!
July 17, 2010
Thank you Jesus for the beach!! ...Headed for a lovely afternoon with the girls at Noviane. We sat on the beach making designs in the sand, as one of the girls farted. We all laughed so hard. I then proceeded to convince them that white people don't fart. HAHAHA! Oh my goodness, I don't think I laughed so hard!!! (yes, I eventually told them the truth, hahaha!)
July 18, 2010
A disabled man in the church shared a dream that he had the previous night; he was running with Jesus. A bunch of us went up and prayed for him, as he started to walk around. It was unreal to see it happen right before my eyes!!!
Sat with my boys in the dirt, as I taught them how to add big numbers. Watched Messiage play soccer, after every play he would look over at me to see if I was still watching. As he scored, I jumped up and starting clapping for him, he began to beam; it was so beautiful.
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