Sunday, November 21, 2010

Graduation and gifts: August 4-8, 2010

August 4, 2010

Met with some people about the Congo, hung out with my boys, met the basket weaving women, bought all the stuff for the party I want to through the boys, played UNO, had a coke and went to bed.

August 5, 2010

Class with the Banonv's, got stuff for the bday party together.  Got invited to go to an engagement party for Thristine and Helder; what an honor.  I was sitting there with the long term missionaries, Heidi, David Hogan and Helder's local family.  WOW! ... Got to pray over them, chat and celebrate with them.  Then danced with some of the older girls to some worship music and went to a night class with David Hogan and sons.

August 6, 2010

Graduation day!!  Went up to class for a time of prophecy, prayer, etc.  Then came award time... so fun!  The staff handed out awards to some of the students, I got an award for, "Name Called Most Often."  So funny! :)  As I walked up, the whole class, started yelling, "Elena, Elena," just like the kids do.  It was super sweet, and funny. 

Went down for a celebration lunch of chicken and cokes with the bible students that were to graduate as well.  It was awesome.  Headed to the church for games, pictures, worship, dancing and a word from David Hogan.  My boys came in and danced and then sat and sang with me.  Some of the children presented a dance for us, Fatima gave me some bracelets, and gave me a huge hug.

Heidi then gave a word, and read our names aloud.  Went up to receive prayer from Heidi, and other missionaries, and all of a sudden I felt all these little hands on me; my boys had come up to pray over me.  I just lost it. 

August 7, 2010

Tetra and I went up to the kitchen to hand out some gifts; we got spaghetti and sardines to hand out to all of the people who worked in the kitchen.  Then Claudia found us and we headed up to see Filipe's family.  They had chicken and rice for us, so we went and got some stuff for a salad and drinks.  Filipe started to tell us some stories of healings he has seen, and a time when his wife and him were young and miracles that have happened in their life.  Awesome, beautiful, crazy stuff!  Yay God!

His whole family knew that we were going to be leaving in a week, so there were definitely some tears, but after dinner, we had some surprises for them.  We had brought over some gifts!  :)  I gave Filipe this large tin of coffee, his face was AWESOME! I then gave his wife and girls some of my skirts, and such; they were so so excited!  Tetra gave the girls some hair things and Tome a jump rope.  It was so fun to see their grateful faces.

Then Amina ran back into their room and grabbed two kapulanas for Tetra and two for me.  One for our head and one for our waist.  Filipe headed back to his room and grabbed one of his t-shirts (the man probably only owns 2 or 3) and handed it to our friend Jon who had come too.  We all were dancing and singing, it was such a celebration.

August 8, 2010

Woke up at 4 AM to take a shower and hang with Tetra before she left for Tete; we walked and chatted and laughed and cried. Many of the boys were there too, to say goodbye to them.  Achimo was down there with some of the boys, so we played some.  At one point, he grabbed my hands and opened them, reached in his pocket and brought out this cloth.  It was a pillowcase, with his name on it, that he had sewed together himself.  He put it in my hands; I lost it!

Went into church, all my kids, laid hands on me, prayed for me, and cried all over me.  I lost it, again.

Then Georgian Banov went up to give a word, and called a bunch of the boys up to act out in a drama.  Juma and Achimo were up there, and kept looking at me and smiling.  I kept giving them a thumbs up... and they would smile so wide, then look back at Georgian.  It was precious, they then came and sat with me again, asking, "was that good, was that good?"

After church I had been invited over to a Pastor's house for lunch, so I gathered up a couple girls and headed out.  His family started to prepare chicken and rice for us, and I headed with Pastor Bulancha to get drinks.  We got to his friends house, and the man immediately stands up, offers me his seat and offers me food. HA! So sweet, so I get to eat a little appetizer of matapa and sheema.  Delish! :)

Headed back to his house, as we chatted about life at home.  They taught us some words in Makua, and I taught them some Hawaiian.  We prayed for his family, sang songs with them.  Then headed back to hang out with my boys.

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