Laundry, church with my boys, prayed over good friends as Heidi ordained them as IRIS ministers, then made my way through the chaos to head to Filipe's house. As we nibbled on Mozambican donuts and sipped cokes, his family prepared sheema and beans. Then Filipe prepared a wonderful coffee for me as we sat around and chatted about America. His wife kept inviting me to come back and visit, even after I return to America. Came back to IRIS; played hours of cards with my boys, then walked to the Nautilis (a restaurant down the street) to watch the final match of the world cup.
July 12, 2010
Sat with some of my boys, as we learned some worship songs in Chinese! HA!
July 14, 2010
Goodness, how I just love the sound of Jesus in the morning!
...After class went into town and acted as the translator between missions students and the shop owners. On the chapa back to IRIS, I was chatting with a Makua mama in the back of the truck. Then as more people piled in at several stops on the way; I stood up and held on to the cab of the truck. As the last of the men piled in, the truck sped off, wind flew back and my skirt flew dangerously skyward... the mama I had been chatting with dove forward, grabbing my skirt and crashing into my legs. How precious she was!! Kushukuru, Kushukuru, is all I could say between laughing for sake of embarrasment. Thank you, thank you, mama. HA! Wow... I was feeling the love!
July 15, 2010
Heidi taught about the beatitudes (blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted)... I ended up a teary, snotty mess with Heidi, Sarah and my beloved sister. Staring in the face of young girls being raped, boys being left as orphans, widows being refused justice: Lord Jesus, I will never again apologize for seeking your presence and power.
July 16, 2010
Interviewed for long term, had about three cokes, then went to prison. Danced, worshiped, prayed; lots of men healed, few accepted Jesus.
Then had a big worship party back at IRIS, for all of His faithfulness and provision.
Watched "CARS" with my boys, then went with a fried to teach some of the youth how to salsa. HAHAHA! It was awesome!!!
July 17, 2010
Thank you Jesus for the beach!! ...Headed for a lovely afternoon with the girls at Noviane. We sat on the beach making designs in the sand, as one of the girls farted. We all laughed so hard. I then proceeded to convince them that white people don't fart. HAHAHA! Oh my goodness, I don't think I laughed so hard!!! (yes, I eventually told them the truth, hahaha!)
July 18, 2010
A disabled man in the church shared a dream that he had the previous night; he was running with Jesus. A bunch of us went up and prayed for him, as he started to walk around. It was unreal to see it happen right before my eyes!!!
Sat with my boys in the dirt, as I taught them how to add big numbers. Watched Messiage play soccer, after every play he would look over at me to see if I was still watching. As he scored, I jumped up and starting clapping for him, he began to beam; it was so beautiful.
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